HSP Points Calculator
点数の定義、例えば、MBA、Juris Doctor, Medical Doctor、複数の分野などの学歴、職歴、収入の計算方法、年齢の変化、加点対象となるQSやTHEのランキング大学、研究実績、イノベーション加算など、分かりにくい点も多いかもしれません。コンチネンタルでは、ご依頼の前に点数のプレチェックを行うことができます。お問い合わせください。
The scoring system for Highly Skilled Professionals (HSP) can often be complex and difficult to decipher, with various factors such as educational background in areas like MBA, Juris Doctor, or Medical Doctor, extensive work experience, income calculation methods, age dynamics, additional points for universities ranked in QS or THE lists, research achievements, and innovation bonuses. At Continental, we understand these complexities and offer a pre-check service for your HSP score before you proceed with your application. Contact us today to simplify your journey towards becoming a recognized Highly Skilled Professional.