東京・港区赤坂の行政書士事務所:国際結婚+配偶者ビザ→永住許可まで Spouse/Child of the PR holder to Permanent Residency Akasaka Tokyo


海外駐在員の帰任、外国籍の元日本人が日本に帰る、Spouse/Child of the PR holder


電話受付時間 : 9:00am−6:00pm Except Public Holiday

Email:24 hours available CONTACT US TODAY


厚生労働省 職業情報サイト「日本版O-NET」に村井将一が掲載, Trusted Advisor

Our firm, MASAKAZU MURAI, is listed as a trusted GYOSEISHOSHI ATTORNEY (Immigration Lawyer in the West) on O-NET, the occupational information website of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW, Japanese Government).

O-NET (MHLW) introduces trusted professionals in various industries by profession. We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their goals.


厚生労働省 職業情報提供サイト「日本版O-NET」に村井将一が行政書士として掲載されました。

職業情報提供サイト(日本版O-NET)(愛称:job tag(じょぶたぐ))は、「ジョブ」(職業、仕事)、「タスク」(仕事の内容を細かく分解したもの、作業)、「スキル」(仕事をするのに必要な技術・技能)等の観点から職業情報を「見える化」し、求職者等の就職活動や企業の採用活動等を支援するWebサイトです。

こちらは厚生労働省より各士業などの職種ごとに取材うぃすて紹介をするもので、当事務所の村井将一(東京都行政書士会港支部 執行役員)が行政書士として紹介されています。






厚生労働省 職業情報提供サイト



Professional / Attorney in Immigration Law

村井将一(むらい まさかず)


CFP(Certified Financial Planner)


Masakazu Murai
18 years’ experience in Investment Banking at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley (JV, MUFG Bank and Morgan Stanley). He had provided financial advisory more than 500 entrepreneurs and senior management.

During his tenure, he worked as an employee union executive committee member in promoting diversity, including the active participation of foreigners and women in the office, and engaged in activities to improve the working environment. He specializes in financial consulting and VISA/PR consulting.

Gyoseishoshi Immigration Lawyer
CMA(Japanese financial analyst license)
CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship

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