東京・港区赤坂の行政書士事務所:国際結婚+配偶者ビザ→永住許可まで Spouse/Child of the PR holder to Permanent Residency Akasaka Tokyo


海外駐在員の帰任、外国籍の元日本人が日本に帰る、Spouse/Child of the PR holder


電話受付時間 : 9:00am−6:00pm Except Public Holiday

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Same-sex Spouse Visa Eligibility in Japan

Special Visa for Same-Sex Spouses

In Japan, same-sex marriage is not yet recognized. However, if a foreign couple’s respective countries legally recognize their same-sex marriage, they might qualify for a “Designated Activities VISA (KOKUJIGAI)” under special circumstances. For instance, if the couple is from a country like the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, France, or Canada, where same-sex marriage is legal.

However, if their countries do not legally recognize same-sex marriage, the “Designated Activities VISA (KOKUJIGAI)” is not granted. If one partner is Japanese, or if one is from a country like China or Korea where same-sex marriage is not recognized, they will not be eligible for a same-sex marriage visa in Japan.




Requirements for the Designated Activities VISA (KOKUJIGAI)

During the visa review process, the Immigration Bureau will verify the legal standing of the foreign marriage, the actual marital status, and the financial capacity of the sponsor (a person with a work visa) to support the same-sex partner in Japan.


  1. The marriage must be legally recognized in both partners’ home countries.
  2. The partners must be living together.
  3. The same-sex spouse with a work visa must be providing financial support.
  4. The review will be carried out by the Immigration Bureau headquarters.
  5. Only change of resident status application will be processed.

Employment in Japan is not permitted under this visa.


Continental’s Service

In Japan, a same-sex partner visa is an exceptional visa granted by the Immigration Bureau and is not as clear-cut as a spouse or family stay visa. Our office’s immigration lawyers will provide advice and handle the procedures for obtaining a visa. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Fee: ¥250,000 (excluding tax)
Scope of Work: Strategy formulation for visa approval, advice, consultation with the Immigration Bureau, negotiation, preparation of application documents, selection of explanatory materials, response to review.



Masakazu Murai
18 years’ experience in Investment Banking at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley (JV, MUFG Bank and Morgan Stanley). He had provided financial advisory more than 500 entrepreneurs and senior management.

During his tenure, he worked as an employee union executive committee member in promoting diversity, including the active participation of foreigners and women in the office, and engaged in activities to improve the working environment. He specializes in financial consulting and VISA/PR consulting.

Gyoseishoshi Immigration Lawyer
CMA(Japanese financial analyst license)
CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship





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