東京・港区赤坂の行政書士事務所:国際結婚+配偶者ビザ→永住許可まで Spouse/Child of the PR holder to Permanent Residency Akasaka Tokyo


海外駐在員の帰任、外国籍の元日本人が日本に帰る、Spouse/Child of the PR holder


電話受付時間 : 9:00am−6:00pm Except Public Holiday

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Necessary income to get A Japan Spouse Visa

How much annual income is required to obtain a Japanese spouse (marriage/partner) visa?

There is no fixed minimum annual income, but you must prove that you and your spouse have sufficient financial means to live together.


Income required to obtain A Spouse VISA

 “What is the minimum annual income required to obtain a spouse visa?”
We receive many inquiries about this question.

In many cases, the applicant and/or the Spouse is unemployed, has just started working, or has experienced a significant decrease in income. Or, in some cases, the monthly income is unstable, such as for artists, musicians.

Even if your marriage is true, if your ” family income” is low, your spouse visa will often be denied.


The reason the Immigration Office wants to be sure is “whether there will be any future financial costs to the Japanese government for the couple.”

Income refers to the income of the entire household. Income is also verified through documents such as 課税証明書(KAZEI SHOMEI SHO, means Income certificate) and 納税証明書(NOZEI SHOMEI SHO, tax returns), employment contracts, and monthly payslips for previous and current years.

For small business owner, self-employed 

By the way, be careful if you are a self-employed or a small business owner! Since income is verified through government income certificates, etc., if your executive compensation is small for the purpose of reducing taxes and social insurance premiums, your spouse visa may be denied. You and your team will need to take immediate action.

1)Financial support or guarantor from family members

Generally, this is financial support from parents. This can be in the form of money sent from parents, living with parents, or parents purchasing a residence.

2)Bank Accounts, other financial asset, 3)Real Estate

Even if your annual income is low, if you have sufficient savings or other assets, it is positive for the examination. It is also positive if you own home real estate.

4)Employment situation

Income is verified for the entire household, so your employer and salary conditions will be checked. Either or both of the couple.

Continental Capability

At Continental, GYOSEISHOSHI LAYER, who is also Certified financial planner (CFP), will guide you to the approval of your spouse visa. We can provide the opinion letter signed by CFP.

Besides, we can explain and prove the income, expenses, savings, other assets, guarantor, etc. for the applicant couple to make a living in Japan, according to their respective circumstances. These are done in writing in Japanese to the Immigration Bureau. If the Immigration Bureau requires additional explanations or requests additional documents, GYOSEISHOSHI will handle those requests on your behalf.


(Learn more)How to get A Spouse VISA







Masakazu Murai
18 years’ experience in Investment Banking at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley (JV, MUFG Bank and Morgan Stanley). He had provided financial advisory more than 500 entrepreneurs and senior management.

During his tenure, he worked as an employee union executive committee member in promoting diversity, including the active participation of foreigners and women in the office, and engaged in activities to improve the working environment. He specializes in financial consulting and VISA/PR consulting.

Gyoseishoshi Immigration Lawyer
CMA(Japanese financial analyst license)
CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship

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