Professor (HSP1a) to Permanent Residence

I am considering to set up a business with my husband. With our previous residency status, it was impossible for us to set up a business or obtain business loans. We have also been in Japan since 10 years ago when we were students, so we thought that the timing would be good to apply for permanent residency.
As I knew that I would be setting up my own business after getting permanent residency, I wanted legal advice from someone that I could work with for a long time. Mr. Murai used to work in a bank, so he can offer a lot of advice regarding setting up for businesses/financial planning etc, which I have totally no experience in. I felt that Mr. Murai would be someone that I could trust and work with in the long term, so I decided to use his services from the beginning.
I was very worried that our application would not be approved. As I am busy with work, it was also very troublesome for me to check and prepare all the required documents.
Yes, Mr. Murai often explains things well and it is extremely easy to understand what I need to prepare. He often summarizes the things required to prepare in a list, and all I need is just to check it off. Due to this, it takes off a lot of stress of me!
Mr. Murai responds very quickly. He is also extremely efficient which makes me feel very reassured that Mr. Murai is there for me.
Luckily, for me no. I think this is because Mr. Murai is very experienced. He told me beforehand what documents to prepare exactly so I did not have to submit any additional documents.
I was not worried that I would not get the permanent residency. However, I was very anxious to get it. I would often call Mr. Murai to ask him about the progress of the application. He was always very nice to reassure me, that made me feel safe 🙂
Mr. Murai is great! He is not your typical legal advisor. If you are looking for someone who can offer you solid financial advice on top of visa applications. His response speed is also great, so for all the people out there who loved to be updated and connected within the shortest time possible, Mr. Murai would be your best choice!