高度人材の永住許可サポート(東京・港区赤坂) | Permanent Residency Application for Highly Skilled Professionals, Akasaka Tokyo

コンチネンタル国際行政書士事務所(東京・港区赤坂):高度人材の永住許可サポートデスク | Permanent Residency Consulting for Highly Skilled Professionals

高度人材の永住許可、Permanent Residency for Highly Skilled People, Tokyo, Yokohama


電話受付時間 : 9:00am−6:00pm Except Public Holiday

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Who is Scrutinized in Japan’s Permanent Residency?

Who is Scrutinized
in Japan’s Permanent Residency?
Not Only You?

Spousal Scrutiny in Permanent Residency When applying for permanent residency in Japan, it’s not just the applicant who is evaluated. If married, the spouse becomes a subject of scrutiny as well, regardless of whether they are Japanese. Issues like unstable income, non-payment of pension contributions, or legal violations by a Japanese spouse can lead to the denial of permanent residency. It’s a joint responsibility. This might come as a surprise, especially for spouses who are business owners or self-employed, due to stringent regulations regarding tax and pension payments.

If a couple separates, the immigration bureau may consider the fact of the couple’s marriage to have disintegrated.

Non-marital Partners Excluded Contrary to spouses, a non-married partner, whether in a heterosexual or homosexual relationship, is not considered in the application process. Japan does not recognize a legal partnership system outside of marriage.

Family Ties Matter The applicant’s immediate family living in Japan, such as parents, children, siblings, also fall under the scope of the evaluation. Moreover, if an applicant’s relative, even if not residing in Japan, is involved in international crimes or espionage and is under surveillance by Japanese authorities, it can adversely impact the residency application. The connection to a family member engaged in activities deemed detrimental to Japan’s national interest can cast a negative light on the application process.


Navigating Permanent Residency with Continental

Understanding the complex dynamics and requirements of Japan’s permanent residency application process can be challenging. Applicants married to Japanese nationals or those with family ties that might raise concerns are advised to seek professional guidance. Firms like Continental can provide expert consultation and support to navigate these intricacies, ensuring a comprehensive and well-prepared application that addresses potential familial implications.





Masakazu Murai
Immigration consultant, Financial advisor
18 years experience in Investment Banking at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley. He had provided financial advisory more than 500 entrepreneurs and senior management.

During his tenure, he worked as an employee union executive committee member in promoting diversity, including the active participation of foreigners and women in the workplace, and engaged in activities to improve the working environment. He specializes in consulting and financial consulting on the status of residence for foreigners.

Gyoseishoshi Immigration Lawyer
CMA(Japanese financial analyst license)
CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship

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