高度人材の永住許可サポート(東京・港区赤坂) | Permanent Residency Application for Highly Skilled Professionals, Akasaka Tokyo

コンチネンタル国際行政書士事務所(東京・港区赤坂):高度人材の永住許可サポートデスク | Permanent Residency Consulting for Highly Skilled Professionals

高度人材の永住許可、Permanent Residency for Highly Skilled People, Tokyo, Yokohama


電話受付時間 : 9:00am−6:00pm Except Public Holiday

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Continuous Residency for Permanent Residency in Japan

Assessing Continuous Residency
for Permanent Residency in Japan

Understanding Continuous Residency Requirement When applying for permanent residency in Japan, a critical aspect of the evaluation is whether the applicant has continuously resided in the country. This assessment focuses on the degree of the applicant’s settlement in Japan. The reference periods vary: 1 year for spouses of Japanese nationals or those with 80 points or more in the Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) system, 3 years for those with 70 to 75 points, and 10 years for other general applicants.

Defining “Continuous” Residency “Continuous” residency implies living in Japan without significant breaks. Under the current operations of the Immigration Bureau, absences from Japan exceeding three months or a total of 100 days within a year could disqualify the applicant from being considered as continuously residing in Japan. Those planning long-term business trips or visits to their home country should take heed.

No Set Period for Continuous Residency There is no fixed duration defining this requirement. It is not as black and white as 99 days being acceptable and 101 days not. The period of continuous residence doesn’t reset after a set number of days. Instead, a comprehensive assessment is made, considering factors like the reason for prolonged absences, previous periods spent abroad, asset status in Japan, family circumstances, and future plans in Japan. It may depends on the status of your employer.It depends on the status of your employer.

Documentation and Explanation for Absences For applicants with significant periods outside Japan, it’s advisable to proactively provide explanations and evidence to the Immigration Bureau, detailing the reasons for their absences. This is a critical step where Continental can offer support, ensuring that the applicant’s situation is comprehensively presented and well-understood by the authorities.


Choosing Continental
for Permanent Residency Applications

Selecting Continental, a renowned firm on the East Coast, for assistance with permanent residency applications in Japan, especially in situations involving extended absences from Japan, is a prudent choice. Their expertise ensures a thorough presentation of the applicant’s circumstances to the Immigration Bureau, enhancing the chances of a successful application.

Successes: Transferee VISA → PR 




Masakazu Murai
Immigration consultant, Financial advisor
18 years experience in Investment Banking at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley. He had provided financial advisory more than 500 entrepreneurs and senior management.

During his tenure, he worked as an employee union executive committee member in promoting diversity, including the active participation of foreigners and women in the workplace, and engaged in activities to improve the working environment. He specializes in consulting and financial consulting on the status of residence for foreigners.

Gyoseishoshi Immigration Lawyer
CMA(Japanese financial analyst license)
CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship

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