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東京・港区赤坂のコンチネンタル国際行政書士事務所 │ 外国人の起業支援・高度人材ビザ・海外からの企業内転勤に強い



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Obtain a Business Manager Visa via Startup Visa


Obtain a Business Manager Visa via Startup Visa

Many foreigners wish to start a business or launch a new venture in Japan, leading to an increase in the number of foreign nationals applying for the Business Manager Visa. However, in recent years, the Immigration Bureau has tightened its screening process. Additionally, foreigners currently residing overseas need the cooperation of a Japanese national or permanent resident with a registered address in Japan to obtain a Business Manager Visa.

As a result, many give up on applying for the Business Manager Visa due to a lack of acquaintances in Japan who can assist them. In response, certain local governments, including Tokyo, have introduced a system called the “Foreign Entrepreneurs Promotion Project” to support foreign entrepreneurs. This allows the applicant to obtain a special six-month Business Manager Visa to prepare for their startup in Japan.

However, after entering Japan, the applicant must apply for and obtain approval for a Business Manager Visa from the Immigration Bureau within the six-month period. The screening criteria for the Business Manager Visa remain stringent. Therefore, the business plan must comply with the Immigration Control Act and its requirements. The plan and supporting documents will be rigorously evaluated to ensure business stability and continuity. Learn more: How to get a Business Manager Visa



Process from Startup Visa to Business Manager Visa Acquisition

Typically, foreigners residing overseas obtain a Business Manager Visa with the cooperation of a Japanese national or permanent resident living in Japan. However, using the Startup Visa, the applicant can prepare for their startup in Japan themselves. The applicant must personally carry out the startup preparations and subsequent business management. Tokyo and the Immigration Bureau will also assess the applicant’s capability for business management.  

Steps to Obtain a Business Manager Visa via Startup Visa

STEP 1: Submit application documents in Japanese to the “Business Concierge Tokyo (Akasaka)”. Note: Continental’s Office is also located in Akasaka.

STEP 2: Tokyo Government reviews the business plan and conducts an online interview (approximately one month).
Note: English or Japanese is acceptable, and interpreters can be used.

STEP 3: Receive a Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities from the Tokyo Government.

STEP 4: Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) at the JETRO headquarters (an administrative scrivener can assist, 1-3 months).

STEP 5: Enter Japan with a six-month Business Manager Visa after receiving the COE.

STEP 6: During the six-month stay, secure an office, register the company, and sign contracts with business partners.
Note: Meetings with the Tokyo Government will be conducted in English or Japanese. An office must be secured within Tokyo.

STEP 7: Apply for a renewal (effectively a change) of the Business Manager Visa at the Immigration Bureau.
Note: Failure to obtain approval will result in the inability to continue business activities.

STEP 8: Operate as a business manager in Japan.


Startup Visa Services – Scope of Work

A Gyoseishoshi lawyer with a background in a global top-tier investment bank will provide the highest level of business management advice in Japan. The former investment banker, not the staff, will directly offer advice on business plans and immigration law.

Services are available in Japanese or English. For services in Chinese or other languages, please arrange for an interpreter. The number of administrative scriveners with extensive sector knowledge, who can prepare comprehensive business plans for submission to government agencies and financial institutions, provide advice on finance and capital policies, and assess corporate value, is limited.

We can provide accurate advice not only on management and finance but also on immigration law, which is useful for obtaining permanent residency in the future.


Scope of Work

  1. Direct advice from an administrative scrivener with investment banking experience. Note: The former investment banker will handle the case personally, not the staff.
  2. Highest level of business advice cultivated in investment banking. Note: The applicant must handle startup preparations and progress meetings themselves.
  3. Handling visa application procedures with Tokyo and the Immigration Bureau up to permanent residency approval.



  • Startup Visa (6-month Business Manager Visa): 300,000 JPY
  • Application for Business Manager Visa renewal (effectively a change) to the Immigration Bureau: 250,000 JPY + Tax
  • Company establishment cost: Actual expenses (usually around 250,000 JPY)


Masakazu Murai
Immigration consultant, financial advisor He has 18 years experience in Investment Banking at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley.

He had provided financial advisory more than 500 entrepreneurs and senior management. He currently supports many foreign entrepreneurs in Japan, taking advantage of the experience of an investment banker. 

He is the best expert of Business VISA in Japan. Gyoseishoshi Immigration Lawyer CMA(Japanese financial analyst license) CFP (Certified Financial Planner) MBA in Entrepreneurship






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