東京・港区赤坂のコンチネンタル国際行政書士事務所 │ 外国人の起業支援・高度人材ビザ・海外からの企業内転勤に強い - START BUSINESS in JAPAN, BUSINESS VISA, HIGHLY SKILLED PEOPLE VISA

東京・港区赤坂のコンチネンタル国際行政書士事務所 │ 外国人の起業支援・高度人材ビザ・海外からの企業内転勤に強い



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If your Business Manager VISA is rejected…. You should…

What should I do if my Business Manager Visa is rejected by Immigration Bureau?

Identify the reasons for reject and think about how to recover. If you can apply again, apply as soon as you are ready for.

 The Reasons why business manager visa is rejected

If you are disallowed Business VISA, there are two main reasons.

1) Do not meet the requirement of business manager visa
2) The proof or explanation was NOT sufficient

 Not meet the requirement of Business Manager Visa

The following situations can be seen in cases where the requirements are not met.
1) The purpose of use of the office lease is for residence,
2) There is no business experience, and the feasibility of the business plan is low,
3) The formation process of capital is unclear,
4) Restaurants, massage salons, etc. No staff other than the owner are secured in the area (= the owner is not allowed to engage exclusively in the on-site work because they do “management”),
5) part-time job exceeds 28 hours a week,
6) purpose is business It was not for calling parents, brothers and sisters from their home country.

・ An independent business establishment has not been secured
・ Required field staff are not employed
・ There was a law violation such as a violation of the immigration law
・ The feasibility of the business plan is unclear


 The proof or explanation was insufficient

The method of proving and explaining depends on the personal circumstances of the foreigner applying and the contents of the business to be started. Therefore, there are difficulties that must be individually verified in line with the purpose of the management visa system. Also, instead of having no conditions such as academic background or work history, the business plan is reviewed in detail, so a high degree of completion is required.

・ Business experience, financial background, family structure, etc. differ depending on the applicant
・ Points to be explained differ depending on the content of the business to be started
Looking at the materials applied by foreign applicants and intermediaries who have been disapproved in the past, there are many things like the following.
・ The content is thin without necessary explanation
・ I have been writing for a long time, but I do not know what I am saying
(= Many things that are not relevant, can not be understood by the results examiner)
・ There is no evidence necessary for judgment
・ Although many materials are attached, the order of the items is so bad that I do not know what it is
・ Logic is brokenMy impression is that the things necessary for the application are not fulfilled in the first place. In fact, if someone other than an immigration lawyer applies, you will be reminded that it is likely to be the case above. In fact, when you line up at the Immigration Bureau’s application counter, you will see many people who think that their status of residence change will be lined up with only the application form (plus some documents). That may be enough, but in many cases I think that the materials are lacking. Keep in mind that we have an immigration lawyer in preparation for the above situation.


  If Business Manager Visa was rejected…

If your application for business administration visa is denied, you need to go to the Immigration Bureau to ask the examiner directly about the reason for the denial, because you can not find out the cause of the denial. And, based on that, it is necessary to decide whether it is possible to reapply.

 Go to the Immigration Bureau to hear the reason for the denial

Interviews with the examiner asking for reasons for disapproval can not make an excuse or claim for a disapproved case. Also, it is recommended to accompany the immigration lawyer, as the examiner will only have one opportunity to hear.

We will consider re-applications based on the reasons for non-permissions clarified in the hearing. The reason for the previous application is recorded in the Immigration Bureau. Therefore, it is only necessary to reinforce the explanation if there is a lack of proof explanatory materials, but it may happen that the logic and the reason at the time of the last application contradictory when the event of the rejection reason is resolved and the application is made. In this case, the examiner’s mentality will be worse, and it may lead to another refusal, so I think that you should fully consider with the immigration lawyer and try to reapply.

 Attending service to Immigration Bureau



  • You can clarify the reasons for disapproval
    The reason for disapproval is not limited to one, and there may be more than one. Those reasons for disapproval can not be all indicated unless you ask from here. We will clarify all the reasons for disapproval when we applied for the last time and lead to reapplication.
  • We can handle interviews with the Immigration Bureau examiners based on our high expertise
    If you go to the examiner to ask the examiner for the reason for the denial, you may not be able to understand what the examiner is saying or the reason, and you may be refused again, as you may lack expertise.
  • Immediately confirm the possibility of reapplication with the examiner

・Investigate submitted examination data and accompany the Immigration Bureau  30,000 JPY(exclude Tax)


Masakazu Murai
Immigration consultant, Financial advisor
18 years experience in Investment Banking at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley. He had provided financial advisory more than 500 entrepreneurs and senior management.

Gyoseishoshi Immigration Lawyer
CMA(Japanese financial analyst license)
CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship(Hosei Business School)





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