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東京・港区赤坂のコンチネンタル国際行政書士事務所 │ 外国人の起業支援・高度人材ビザ・海外からの企業内転勤に強い



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Inviting Family Members to Japan on Business Manager Visas


Inviting Family Members to Japan
on a Business Manager Visa

Bringing Relatives to Japan for Business: A Complex Challenge Many individuals seek to start a business in Japan alongside their family members from their home country, including parents, children, siblings, etc. While legally feasible under the Business Manager visa, the process is subject to stringent scrutiny by the Immigration Bureau.

Rigorous Evaluation for Family-Related Business Manager Visa Applications The Japanese Immigration Bureau conducts thorough assessments for Business Manager visa applications involving family members. This heightened scrutiny is due to frequent attempts to misuse this visa category for purposes other than genuine business management, such as simply desiring to live together in Japan without proper qualifications or business plans.

Critical Factors for Approval The bureau examines various aspects, including:

  • Educational background
  • Business management experience
  • Practical experience relevant to the proposed business
  • Japanese language proficiency, if necessary for business operations
  • The necessity of involving family members in the business
  • The feasibility and scale of the proposed business, including role allocation

Particular Challenges for Family Applications Applications involving older family members or those lacking relevant business experience or language skills face higher chances of rejection. The Immigration Bureau closely evaluates the likelihood of the applicant genuinely engaging in business activities. Any indication of the company being a mere front for residency purposes (a “paper company”) significantly increases the risk of denial.

Prescription for Success To succeed in obtaining a Business Manager visa for family members, applicants must convincingly demonstrate the business’s viability and the family member’s integral role in its management. Superficial applications typically lack consistency and can be easily identified by experienced immigration officers.

Expert Strategy
from Continental

At Continental, we utilize our extensive experience in evidence formation and strategic advocacy to navigate the complexities of these applications. Our approach ensures that the business operation is lawful and viable, providing a solid foundation for the visa application. However, these cases require careful consideration, so we recommend consulting with professionals to assess the likelihood of approval or denial.


Masakazu Murai
Immigration consultant, Financial advisor
He has 18 years experience in Investment Banking at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley. He had provided financial advisory more than 500 entrepreneurs and senior management.

He currently supports many foreign entrepreneurs in Japan, taking advantage of the experience of an investment banker. He is the best expert of Business VISA in Japan.

Gyoseishoshi Immigration Lawyer
CMA(Japanese financial analyst license)
CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
MBA in Entrepreneurship





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