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Understanding Japan’s Religious Visa


Understanding Japan’s Religious Visa

Religious Visa Requirements: Ensuring Eligibility

In response to a query regarding the invitation of missionaries, nuns, and priests from overseas to Japan, it was clarified that having a recommendation from a foreign religious organization and securing sufficient remuneration are among the essential requirements.

Defining the Religious Visa

The Religious Visa serves as a permit for individuals dispatched by foreign religious organizations to engage in proselytizing and other religious activities within Japan. It is necessary for foreign clergy such as monks, missionaries, pastors, priests, and nuns engaging in religious practices in Japan. These visas are issued with varying validities of five years, three years, one year, or three months.

Requirements for Religious Visa

  1. Applicants must currently belong to an overseas religious organization.
  2. They must be dispatched and hold a dispatch or recommendation letter from the said religious organization.
  3. Their activities should encompass religious practices such as missionary work (mere believers are not included).
  4. They should receive a sufficient amount of remuneration from either the dispatching organization abroad or the host in Japan to support their stay.
  5. They must not engage in any criminal activities that could disrupt public order due to dangerous ideologies.

Who is Eligible for a Religious Visa?

Individuals who are dispatched to Japan by a foreign religious organization for the purpose of religious proselytizing, ceremony execution, or other religious activities are eligible. They must possess a dispatch or recommendation letter from their religious organization.

Affiliation with Foreign Religious Organizations

The foreign religious organization refers to the applicant’s overseas religious group. There is no requirement for a direct connection with a Japanese religious body; it can be an independent entity without any branch-headquarters relationship.

Scope of Permitted Activities In addition to missionary work, language teaching, medical, and social work activities are permissible if they are part of religious practices and are unpaid. The remuneration received from the sending (foreign) or receiving (Japanese) side must be ample to live in Japan.

Activities, even if religious, will not be recognized if they violate Japanese laws or disturb the social order. Activities of mere believers are not considered.

Continental Capabilities for Missionaries

Missionaries and monks often rely on alms and donations from followers, which may not guarantee a fixed monthly income. Care is required when performing religious activities within organizations other than religious corporations, like a Kabushiki Kaisha (KK). Detailed explanations to the Immigration Bureau through a statement of reason are necessary.

Continental has extensive experience dealing with numerous religious visa cases. If there are uncertainties or concerns regarding the invitation of religious figures from overseas to Japan, Continental encourages reaching out for assistance.


Masakazu Murai
Immigration consultant, Financial advisor
He has 18 years experience in Investment Banking at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley. He had provided financial advisory more than 500 entrepreneurs and senior management.

He currently supports many foreign entrepreneurs in Japan, taking advantage of the experience of an investment banker. He is the best expert of Business VISA in Japan.

Gyoseishoshi Immigration Lawyer
CMA(Japanese financial analyst license)
CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
MBA in Entrepreneurship





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