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Hiring Foreign Sports Coaches in Japan


What visa and conditions are required to hire foreign sports instructors, trainers, and coaches?

The Skilled Labor visa is applicable for hiring foreign sports instructors, trainers, and coaches, provided the necessary experience or international competition participation requirements are met.

Visa Requirements and Eligibility When considering the recruitment of foreign sports instructors, trainers, and coaches, the Skilled Labor visa category is a potential fit.

Experience Matters To employ foreign sports coaches, it is essential to have either three years of practical experience in sports coaching or experience participating in international competitions as an athlete. Recognizable figures in sports like soccer and baseball, foreign coaches are a staple in the industry, often seen coaching famous Japanese figure skaters. For sports with international competition, internationalization is essential for improving athletes’ abilities. The Skilled Labor visa typically applies to these foreign coaches and trainers. To qualify for this visa, the following criteria must be met:

  • Over three years of practical experience in sports coaching, which can include time spent coaching, or studying related subjects in educational institutions, or being paid as a professional athlete.
  • Alternatively, having participated as an athlete in international competitions such as the Olympics or World Championships negates the need for three years of practical experience. However, this does not include friendly matches or competitions between specific countries.

This Skilled Labor visa for sports coaches can be obtained by those who meet these requirements and are engaged in coaching.

Sports Covered The term “sports” here includes amateur sports, not just competitive sports but also lifelong sports such as dance and Qigong. However, Qigong as physical exercise qualifies as a skill, while Qigong for medical treatment does not (according to the Immigration Bureau’s examination guidelines).

Contractual Employment in Japan To obtain a Skilled Labor visa as a sports coach, one must have a contract with a Japanese company or organization. Activities under the sponsorship of foreign sports bodies or corporations are not permitted.

The employer in Japan can vary, and the required application documents and review periods differ accordingly. The inviting organization’s business content and financial health are also scrutinized. Caution is needed if there is an off-season lasting over three months where no coaching occurs.

Compensation Standards Compensation for skilled sports coaches is determined based on the individual’s career, achievements, and the industry standard, which can vary greatly depending on the sport, industry, and sponsors. The salary must be equal to or more than what a Japanese national would receive for the same job. However, in some sports, the standard pay may be so low that it is nearly voluntary or necessitates additional employment; even so, such low wages are not acceptable from a visa examination perspective.


Masakazu Murai
Immigration consultant, Financial advisor
He has 18 years experience in Investment Banking at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley. He had provided financial advisory more than 500 entrepreneurs and senior management.

He currently supports many foreign entrepreneurs in Japan, taking advantage of the experience of an investment banker. He is the best expert of Business VISA in Japan.

Gyoseishoshi Immigration Lawyer
CMA(Japanese financial analyst license)
CFP (Certified Financial Planner)
MBA in Entrepreneurship





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